Monday, August 17, 2009

Reunion Brief!!!!

Wow! This deployment has been flying by and is now cut short for some families. We will be having our return/reuinion brief next week because we have some Marines coming home later this month! Here are the details:

Return/Reunion Brief & Sign Making Party
Aug 25, 5:00pm
Drill Center on Fort Douglas
Inside the basketball courts

116 Pollock Rod

I strongly encourage all family members to attend this very informative brief. You will learn what you can expect to happen when your Marine/Sailor comes home, cycles of emotions, how to adjust, services available to you, and so much more.
We will provide drinks and ask that if you are able to, please bring a snack/dish to share; since this will be dinner time. If you are unable to bring a dish, please still come!!!!
The brief should last around 1 hr and then will be followed by a sign making party. We will provide paint and brushes, you just bring your canvas(a sheet, poster board, wood, etc).

I look forward to seeing you there!

As always email me with any questions!


Jennifer said...

Has anyone heard when they should be back in Utah?

Key Volunteers 2/23 said...


If you email me your Marine's name I can let you know if he will be back with the first group or second.
